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CCM Boys conquering the world


Active Member
Yes. Individually they're not too bad, but together it just doesn't work (yet). Left-back is young, not doing too well after we bought him for way too much money (3.5M €), and playing without confidence. In the center we have a 20-something Costa Rican player who is very promising, but he's only been here for half a year, and next to him is a youth player. Promising, but zero first-team experience. Right-back is, well, mediocre at best, but we have no alternatives that are fit. Still, the first choice on RB is also about 20, and is actually a right winger that is being re-schooled as a RB.

So they're way too inexperienced together, and it shows. An experienced player is sorely needed here. Will we get one? I'm guessing no.

There's only so much you can do as a goalkeeper in this kind of situation and I guess Ryan was trying too hard.

And while I'm busy criticizing our team:

As for the attack, we replaced the top goalscorer of the league, the player who was chosen as the best player of the league by all the other players, who was sold for 10M €, by someone who has been on the bench of what should be a rival team for the last 5 years. Who is also a completely different type of player. He doesn't fit with the rest of the team and is just not good enough. We also have zero alternatives for him. The night before that game his wife gave birth so he hadn't slept. Still, we played him for 90 minutes because: no alternatives.

Midfield, there's no balance. Core players are too injury-prone (goes for a lot of the team btw), and they don't work together very well. Don't know how they will solve it because I don't see it.

Basically the team is rubbish from front to back and this will be a horrible year. They absolutely have to buy an experienced defender that can organize the defence and a good, fast striker. But they won't because they're idiots.


Well-Known Member
Don't have many details but Tommy is currently injured... but not too bad apparently

Screen Shot 2013-08-12 at 7.28.22 PM.png

Just to prove that I'm not talking out my arse. Should be ready for some bench time in the SPL shortly. Fingers crossed he'll get some game time against the Uzbekistan side in the Champions League and help them get to the group.


Active Member

Another game, another 90 mins for Ryan. Pretty safe to say he's the undisputed #1 goalie now. 1-1 result, with much better football than the last games.

There's potential in the team, but we still need an attacker and an experienced defender imho.


Well-Known Member
You guys looked as though you dominated that game. you must be disappointed to drop 2 points.


Active Member
Well, we dominated parts of it. I was expecting a beating really, so I'm moderately happy with our decent quality of play.


Active Member
Let's see what the last 2 pages of his topic on our forum say...

[after the 3-3 against Wroclaw]

* Makes a (big) mistake, can happen with a 21-year old. Not a drama. [note: this was about the 3rd goal against Wroclaw, where my personal opinion is that he was forced/felt forced to do that because the defense in front of him was so terrible.]

* Easy to forgive something like that with someone where you can see how much potential he has, hopefully he'll learn from it.

* Better to have a miss like that in a match with an almost unsurmountable deficit than to hide away from high balls or to shy away from... [dunno exactly how to translate this: it's how when he stops a ball he doesn't just box everything away from him; when it's possible to stop the ball and just hold it, he does so]

* Until that goal one of the few players that couldn't be blamed. Big mistake though that was finished very well. Kujovic didn't do anything stupid like that last year. But still, he's very young and has shown a lot of good things already.

* Played well except for that one mistake. He'll make more, but he should stay in goal anyway.

* [still about the same thing:] that player shouldn't be there all alone in front of the keeper, they were doing the same all night

* True, makes a mistake. Still, very confident with this guy in goal.

* Hopefully not benched because of this little error.

* Yeah, has good feet, a good throw, and doesn't look out of place. But running out and intercepting is apparently not for him and he made a mistake today. I think you can find other goalkeepers of his level in the JPL. (*)

* Agrees with: that player shouldn't be there all alone in front of the keeper, they were doing the same all night

[after the sunday game]

* Doesn't hang his head after his blunder last week. Faultless game, right?

* A joy to see him on high balls. He's really there.

* Answer to (*): [smiley that says: you're crazy]

* Finally a real goalkeeper under the crossbar

* Intercepts should be a lot better, looks to eager and misses a lot because of it. Very good otherwise, gives a lot of confidence watching him play.

* 300% confidence, haven't been this confident in a goalkeeper in years

* [agrees with previous poster] Rules his airspace around the goal, no more fear during corners or crosses near the goal.

* [also agrees]

* [agrees with all three] + this is the only position in the team that improved during the summer

* is class

* could have more authority in the box, could be better than Proto [keeper of Anderlecht, he's a dick but has probably won them a few championships] in 2 years

* great technique with his feet for a goalkeeper

* younger than Proto so it's logical he's not on that level yet - Proto was at [some other crap team] at his age probably (**)

* good game. not really involved though, with less than 20 backpasses

* agrees with (**). Club Brugge probably won't be his last team (too bad)

* tries to relaunch the game quickly when he has the ball which doesn't always work because the rest of the team isn't always ready for it

* [agrees with 300% guy]

* will have fun with him, good keeper, radiates confidence. doesn't get why he's stalling for time when we're winning a home game

* [corrects the guy above that it's not time-wasting, it's looking for the best option on where the throw/kick the ball] (***)

* impressive in the air

* agrees with (***)

* best transfer

* agrees with (***) and adds that we're not used to having a keeper that actually aims at a player when kicking the ball over a long distance

* strong

* strong goalie, we'll have a lot of fun with him. great technique with the feet and ruled his airspace today

* seems to have one bad long kick per game, not a problem when there's no danger from it and his 20-30 others have millimeter precision

* [responds to previous poster] that one bad long kick was because his leg made a slip

* [responds to previous poster] ah, ok then, didn't notice

* something about a black guy

* great player (or will be anyway)

* doesn't understand everyone being mental for him, didn't think he was that great in the previous games. Still a fan of his long passing, those are great. (****)

* long time since we had a goalkeeper like this

* will have a great career, blah blah blah, was a great buy

* [responds to (****)] oh no, our great atmosphere/feeling is all gone now

* to (****): made one mistake against the poles, but had a few good saves against zulte, had good intercepts on high balls, and his long kicks are great. (which he was know for in australia already)

* http://i.minus.com/ibopXw79rx9gJz.gif - his opponent in the Australian NT is doing fun things

* yeah, nice goal

* great guy

* rather a big mistake now that he can learn from - we wouldn't have qualified against the poles anyway, wasn't his fault

* answer to (*): smiley that says: you're mental

* http://i.minus.com/ibopXw79rx9gJz.gif you can hear him thinking: phew, it just hits the post

* he basically has the best passing of the entire team

That enough info? :D

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Cheers uXs - Exactly - Loving your reports to thanks mate.

Looks like he may have more work to do this year as well which will be great for his development.

The push is on to out Schwartzer but I think he has done enough to be No. 1 in Brazil. Ryan hopefully up to No. 2 soon ahead of Galakvic

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