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CCM Away @ Macarthur


Well-Known Member
Good thing is DDS may still be out injured so it makes it somewhat easier to shut down Davilla. With both they can be handful to contain. I'm sure Monty has the boys up for this one given our loss earlier was a hard one to take in the last minute.
The one I'm worried about is Arzani, the bloke hasn't had a blinder in a few weeks, and he'll be positioned in/or around (what I perceive is) our weakest position, RB.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Assistant though. Faghani does not come across as someone who will be overly influenced by VAR. Unlike some of the less experienced officials whom seem to listen a bit too much to the likes of KGJ etc.
Faghani is definitely one of those ones influenced by VAR - he isn't strong enough to push back against VAR.

He gave that terrible handball decision in the WC after VAR intervened when they shouldn't have.

With Faghani and Ams on this game.....jesus, anything can happen here.

Let's get 3 goals up and take those 2 out of the equation.

Be a tough game but should be a good one. We'll really be announcing our finals bid if we walk away with the 3 points here.

The one I'm worried about is Arzani, the bloke hasn't had a blinder in a few weeks, and he'll be positioned in/or around (what I perceive is) our weakest position, RB.
And he's still a diver too, which is a bit of a worry.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Good thing is DDS may still be out injured so it makes it somewhat easier to shut down Davilla. With both they can be handful to contain. I'm sure Monty has the boys up for this one given our loss earlier was a hard one to take in the last minute.
Id argue the opposite. They are quite similar in some things and take away from each other. I was never a fan of putting them together and am not sure about it.

What it does is give Davilla more ball as they will want to go through him as much as possible and that is a dangerous thing. He’s only just come back I think from injury recently so is maybe not up to his usual standard but i think i heard he played really well last game

Josho Howe

Well-Known Member
Faghani is such a weird ref. Reckon he lets the game flow well at times but then will pull up some stuff that should've just been let go. Think we're a great chance to win this. Not overly convinced by them, our defence is improving week on week so we can keep them out then our pace up front should trouble their backline.


Well-Known Member
Faghani is such a weird ref. Reckon he lets the game flow well at times but then will pull up some stuff that should've just been let go. Think we're a great chance to win this. Not overly convinced by them, our defence is improving week on week so we can keep them out then our pace up front should trouble their backline.
He has a bit of a tendency to let too much go so depending on teams things heat up and then he has to go much tougher to regain control. Alternatively he will let lots of niggles go but then be really strict on something else, especially dissent / questioning him why hes letting someone kick you.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Faghani is such a weird ref. Reckon he lets the game flow well at times but then will pull up some stuff that should've just been let go.
His foul recognition is non-existent - there's a difference between letting a physical game flow, and letting players get hacked.

And you're right - you'll see somebody get hacked with no attempt on the ball, all good, then a tiny shirt pull with no impact a moment later, and he'll blow the whistle 10 times.

He likes to look like he's doing something without actually doing anything. Which is why he loves to puff up his chest and blow the whistle 30 times to berate people at corners, but never backs it up with action. He's got no idea.

All in all, it's a bit of a worry when one of the opponent's strikers is a well-known diver. Which side of Faghani will we see when Arazani trips over the grass? The Faghani who doesn't want to "impact the game"? Or the Faghani who will make the decision for the team that shouts first/loudest?

Now I'm wondering what his 'home team' stats are like.....

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