As I see it there is a great deal of concern in this area & a number of people willing to help.
I do not want to tread on any toes here,but it would be logical for all those interested to have a meeting,list our concerns & solutions & then elect a delegation to meet with the club.
Maybe a meeting could be set up with the new marketing manager & membership manager.
Surely they wouldn`t be so blind as to decline an offer of help from some 10-20 volunteers.
I think that's a great idea. I still can't believe that you can't even find out any information about memberships etc for next season. I have some money burning a hole my pocket and I want to spend it on next seasons membership! I used to work in sales and the golden rule in sales is if someone wants to buy, you sell to them! Crazy not to be doing all they can to get people on the books all the time not just a few months before season starts! Someone tell me if I am wrong, however, surely one of the best ways to generate some easy money for the club is to try and get every game sold out? How else are you going to do that if you don't take every opportunity you can to get a huge membership base built. Right??? (I hear crickets...)
Who cares if schedule has not been sorted or if they don't have a good CRM, surely you can't just keep an old spreadsheet with details, take a nominal fee of say $100 or so and tell people who sign up that they will have priority on choosing their membership options when they are finalised. If that money is non-refundable then they have no risk!
I am certain there are enough hard core supporters out there that would be willing to sacrifice time and some money to help generate a much larger supporter base. I think now is the best time to recruit people as local club soccer is swing, there is no A-league on TV so we are all eagerly waiting for the new season!!!
Anyway... looking forward to seeing if your idea about getting together gets some momentum.