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Australian Supporter Scene thread


Well-Known Member
bj. said:

Looks awsome :)


Well-Known Member
Bad angle of the pic as no one had a camera with good enough zoom hahaha

Also, good work by sydney sticking it to the tele


Well-Known Member
Paolo said:
Bad angle of the pic as no one had a camera with good enough zoom hahaha

Also, good work by sydney sticking it to the tele

if something was mentioned prevoiusly i wouldve gotten dad to take a pic, hes just bout a new lens  for the camera, could prob see where you guys were sitting :)

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
At the risk of being accused of sexism (again) I will refrain from comment but I assume you can all see what I see?


Well-Known Member
FFC Mariner said:
At the risk of being accused of sexism (again) I will refrain from comment but I assume you can all see what I see?

fans holding official tea towels ? ;)

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
No..........not even close.

A clue. The person in the picture appears to be Blonde.

Tsk, what do they teach them in these schools

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, having deleted the girl in GC from my mind...............

Love the Kwassie song from Saturday



Well-Known Member
FFC Mariner said:
Meanwhile, having deleted the girl in GC from my mind...............

Love the Kwassie song from Saturday


congrats to the group behind goals


Totally random.

But today at the Melbourne Cup thing, some woman was singing Que sera sera...and all I could think of was Nik Mrdja.


FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Needed 6 or so "up the back" types to keep them going though. With Skillers randomly keeping time by banging drunkenly on the seats, Jimmy's drumming had an accompaniment.

Kudos to those who roundly abused the scummer who decided to sit at the back. There's always one isnt there?


poko said:
Totally random.

But today at the Melbourne Cup thing, some woman was singing Que sera sera...and all I could think of was Nik Mrdja.


'Nik Mrdja, Mrdja
he injured his knee, his knee.
But he sells good ecstacy,
nik mrdja, mrdja'

this one.... :popcorn:

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