Wombie, here's a question for you
(& anyone else ) to ponder on this
very point over the duration of our coming season & it's one that I've given some thought to since we signed them ....
Antony Golec / Kye Rowles ??
- Both have
predominantly played the majority of their Football at the CB position.
(Golec mostly CB some LB, lists that on his Wiki ... Rowles def w/Olyroo's, unsure? at Roar Youth, but lists CB
only on his Wiki)
- Both are Left footed players
After releasing Faty and Posco, I assumed on signing Golec, (based on his playing position history & just arriving from x3 Asian clubs that signed him specifically for the CB role)
- that he'd be an out'n'out CB for the Mariners & to be the main pairing with Alan Baro
- especially based on the troubles we had in this area last season with considerable chop'n' changing with the likes of McGing, Ashcroft, Poscoliero, Faty, Junior & even Montgomery to choose from.
Then Okon signs Rowles, much younger with far less game time given to him at Roar & assumed he would be considered as 'back-up' to one of the x2 CB's, with possibillity of covering at LB for (the previous to him re-signing of) Josh Rose.
After seeing Okon playing Golec at LB in the trial at Pluim v CC Allstars, my assumptions of AG predominantly playing at CB went flying out the window.
Likewise for Kye Rowles.
I think the decision of who?? to play alongside Baro is going to be a real telling factor in our quest for success this comming season and quite possibly become a work in progress for Okon, & one to keep an eye on throughout the season.
We may well see a repeat of last seasons
"chop'n & chang'n" going on, with an even longer list of candidates capable of playing at CB:
and don't forget .... Junior !
@ Season's end, we could well have our own poll to vote on:
"Who's CCM's
BEST Defender ??"
.... & yes FB's won't
be included