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Australia Cup Round of 32 vs Hindenburg United


Well-Known Member
Know who the other player is.
You can likely narrow it down to the ones on the outer last season. Paull, DWH, Wilson all being obvious choices. Would imagine Paull is much cheaper than DWH and he did see some limited game time so draw your own conclusions over which one the club would be giving a nudge out the door.


Well-Known Member
They offered the greener pastures opportunity to DWH last season too and he didn't budge, no idea why he would this season


Well-Known Member
They offered the greener pastures opportunity to DWH last season too and he didn't budge, no idea why he would this season
As we have been saying about a few others, the chance to play AFC Elite is a big reason to stay. Only takes an injury or suspension to a player and he is back in the squad really. Or he busts his arse in the offseason trying to be better and fit jackos style of play.


Well-Known Member
They offered the greener pastures opportunity to DWH last season too and he didn't budge, no idea why he would this season
All depends if there's an opportunity and the right $ there. May not have been before but now is, and he's had half a season more silent treatment to motivate him. If he does stick around I'd like to see him get a shot.

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Was at training on Friday. Playing just below the required standard tbh. Didn't see DWH so i expect he is the other person BigDog mentioned.

He was at training earlier in the week so maybe something has changed. It's a risky game isn't it. Clearly told his chances are going to be limited or none. Stays to fight for a spot presumably because he's on good money. You'd have to assume though the value on his next contract will be much lower given he won't have played a competitive match for 2 seasons (if he stays)


Well-Known Member
He was at training earlier in the week so maybe something has changed. It's a risky game isn't it. Clearly told his chances are going to be limited or none. Stays to fight for a spot presumably because he's on good money. You'd have to assume though the value on his next contract will be much lower given he won't have played a competitive match for 2 seasons (if he stays)
I might have just forgotten what he looks like! I didn't spot him but i wouldn't swear that he wasn't there. I was focussed on other players and it looked like half the academy were there so there were bodies everywhere.

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