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Well-Known Member
I ran 10 kms home before the game, it took more endurance sitting through that shit, than that run.

Tulio can ride some pine.
Torres get on the pine too.
Kuol, what has Germany done to you?


Wilson looked good at the one touch, good, movement forward too.
Nizzy, Ballard, and the defence for 95% of the game.


Well-Known Member
I ran 10 kms home before the game, it took more endurance sitting through that shit, than that run.

Tulio can ride some pine.
Torres get on the pine too.
Kuol, what has Germany done to you?


Wilson looked good at the one touch, good, movement forward too.
Nizzy, Ballard, and the defence for 95% of the game.
Boy, you saw a different Wilson to the one I saw. Constant misplaced passes and missed a sitter in the first minute.


Well-Known Member
Jackson already looks like he has made his mind up that DWH will go in January.Who else?Doka?Paull?Smith?.On that performance Torres and Theo might also be let go and Kuol needs to wake up or he won't be here next season.


Well-Known Member
What on Earth has happened to Alou Kuol in the last two years? He was lethal when he had his breakout season. I still believe he's got something but he's way overdue to start producing.


Well-Known Member
Boy, you saw a different Wilson to the one I saw. Constant misplaced passes and missed a sitter in the first minute.

Wilson built in to the game. Which is more than I can say about kuol, Torres and Tulio.
Looked good with his pairing with storm, look at the build up to the storm strike first half.

Honestly would hate on the kid if he had a poor game he didn't though. Ain't gunna deathride a kid who puts in.

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