Similar problems in the NBL. The actual owner of the league has a stake in a MV equivalent but also runs the league and has some small stakes in other clubs. It was necessary to keep the league alive but now is causing issues but his main club is one of the biggest.Hmmm, I would still be having a very close look at WSW’s books, as there’s no way the squad they have is fitting under the celery cap surely?
I would also question the appropriateness of such trading when one person has an ownership stake in both clubs. This sort of sh*t could only happen in the A League honestly.
Here at least Western and SFC are also part of it but it’s certainly interesting that WSW are picking what they want from Newy. Is Laurie still involved in Newy because he did try stopping this but looks like the new control are certainly taking orders from WSW and the other bosses who are paying their wages