They're numbers from last year, as
@pjennings noted:
And Roar had a stinker of a season, memberships wise, over the last two years.
With all the ownership rumblings and people falling off the bandwagon after the championship years, they dropped from over 12k members in 2014/15 to barely 5k in 2015/16, and only recovered to 7k last season.
Their crowds held up OK though, 12k to 13k to 14k.
That's partly because crowds are a leading indicator of memberships - when crowds tank, memberships follow the year after. And the reverse is true too, though if people lose faith in what they're getting it gets ugly faster.
We're going to go OK not just because our crowds were steady/up a little last year and people have faith that the club's turned a corner.
We never even hit 5k until our championship year. That we haven't dropped below 5k members even through the wooden spoon year is exceptional .
Our memberships last year were actually up on the wooden spoon year, probably because the club were able to convince people that with Okon in place, we'd have a better season.
The fact that they were right will convince more people to sign on this year.
We've got a really steady membership base now of about 6k, even after the worst three year patch in our history.
If we were able to turn that into 8k through a good year this year, it is easier to turn it into 10k the year after.
Then we're off to the races, because there is *nothing* that shores up a football club more than a big and growing membership base.