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Bali United @ Home


Well-Known Member
Going to be different over there. Pitch will be bumpy and knee high grass. They will leave the sprinklers on overnight. They will roll around 10 times worse than they did tonight. And the refs will be giving them absolutely everything.
I thought they were pretty hostile and big hackers so it will be a tough game. Philippines will not be a walk in the park either. The Ref’s are always non local, tonight was the Faghani of Korea who let soooo much go.


Well-Known Member
Well it wasn’t the greatest game, did the job for what is required in the AFC Cup but must admit after the Adelaide match I wanted to see an improvement. Have the feeling the conditions impacted the game and we went in all cocky trying to be flash. Not very convincing from some players but others performed very well as usual. Defence is my biggest concern.

Wondering what the Bali away game is going to be like, I thought they were quite hostile and rough. I’ll be at the Bali game so will be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Well that's the first time I've walked out of the ground pissed off and depressed after a three goal win.

Far out, we will get smacked on Sunday if we play like that. Bali were worse than local premier league. I'd put them about AA3.
Harsh on Bali. They’d be lower-mid-table NPL2 in honesty.

Can’t say I walked out pissed off or depressed, but there was a very “ehhhhh…” feeling about it. Which, maybe, is worse.

Or maybe I’m just being greedy.


Well-Known Member
I feel like that game showed how clearly we are sitting on a knife edge.
Have not seen a crowd turn so swiftly on a team after that OG in quite some time. Even with a comfortable lead, there was an undercurrent of tension. Patience is wearing thin to see the team play ans we need them to and Jacko is on trial.
Early days, 100%. I’m in no way at all writing them off. I remember thinking OMG early last season and look how it ended. But following the championship win I do think we will see less patience for it then last time.


Well-Known Member
I didn't hear the crowd turn on the team but there was definitely frustration... especially with Wilson.

Going back to Friday night, we were far the better team (and should have been ahead) until Kaltak went off. If we can maintain that level of play we'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
I feel like that game showed how clearly we are sitting on a knife edge.
Have not seen a crowd turn so swiftly on a team after that OG in quite some time. Even with a comfortable lead, there was an undercurrent of tension. Patience is wearing thin to see the team play ans we need them to and Jacko is on trial.
Early days, 100%. I’m in no way at all writing them off. I remember thinking OMG early last season and look how it ended. But following the championship win I do think we will see less patience for it then last time.
Agree, heard some interesting comments in the stands tonight. I can understand why as it was a bit of a WTF game. So far having watched the Aust Cup and two AFC Cup games live I’m not sure what type of season we are going to have. Prepared to give the team time however it could go either way at the moment.

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