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Armageddon Thread


Well-Known Member
Not a fan of Leigh Sales but when I see the media speculation on who should replace her on the 7:30 Report I can understand while people don't understand complex political issues. It is bad enough that the Daily Telegraph and others of that ilk play their 'goodies' vs 'baddies' games but now that the ABC is as bereft of talent as it has ever been we have no-one to actually delve into politics properly.

The talent that was in the Canberra press gallery from a lot of the media is gone. Ken Begg, Alan Ramsey, Kerry O'Brien, Andrew Ollie, Heather Ewart, even Laurie Oakes would lament at the trash that is thrown up as serious political commentary now.

Maybe this is why people want simple solutions - because that is all the journalists can deal with. More concerned with the 24/7 news cycle and the 'gotcha' moment than discussion of the real issues.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
The world is chaos. That's how it's supposed to work. Billions upon billions of decisions and choices being made every minute
We are analogue not digital


Well-Known Member
For people that struggle with chaos they seek simple solutions... look for people that offer simple solutions to comp[ex problems... no matter how complex an issue is they seek a simple solution...
This is how I believe Religion and "Gods" were born in peoples minds.

Rewind all the way back to the earliest humans and they didn't have any rational way to explain something so simple to us like drought or famine or disease or even thunderstorms..."must be an angry god punishing us for XYZ, let's call him Thor or Zeus" depending on what part of the world you live in...

Repeat this for everything you can possibly think of that doesn't have a simple, rational and easily understandable explanation, therefore, one of the 3000+ Gods must have done it, created it, meant it, willed it, punished us for...etc.

Many of us still carry that weird trait of, if we can't figure it out or believe it, we must resort to the easiest and most simple explanation that we can understand, no matter what source it comes from.

I honestly think a lot of these people do believe that Covid19 is real and vaccines work but they suffer from The illusory truth effect (also known as the illusion of truth effect, validity effect, truth effect, or the reiteration effect) which is the tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure. The first condition is logical, as people compare new information with what they already know to be true.

The repeated exposure is the media using fear campaigns and social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. spreading misinformation and "alternative idea's".

The ability to think rationally and critically is a skill most of us take for granted...
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Well-Known Member
100%. Think about the people who used to be teachers, nurses or whatever, and resigned rather than get vaccinated - they've often been cut off from family (or cut themselves off) as well as losing their jobs.

They've chosen this, sure, but while their lives are being destroyed the likes of Joe Rogan are sitting on USD100m deals with Spotify to spew the misinformation that leads them down this spiral.

I want to know how we reach out to these folks and bring them back.

Some of the dislocation comes from broader economic trends - there are bugger all jobs left in manufacturing, for example, so a lot of people for the last 40 years have seen good solid union jobs disappear, replaced with 'gig' economy bullshit jobs. Job security has disappeared.

The Harvester judgement in 1906 created the notion of a ‘living’ or ‘family’ wage, set at a level which would supposedly allow an unskilled labourer to support a wife and three children, to feed, house, and clothe them.

For decades - beyond living memory - the economy was set up so that a single breadwinner (invariably a man) could on the back of their secure full-time job pay off a mortgage and sustain a family.

*That* is the past that people wish for.

They look at the world now where the vast majority of families need two incomes to service a mortgage, full-time work as a proportion of the workforce is rarer than ever, the pension is set at a level that everyone is breathlessly told to have a million dollars saved in retirement or else they'll be in poverty - they don't want that.

That's the foundation of disenchantment.

And then the same smartarses who tell them they're better off than ever because they have a record-breaking mortgage and there are so many jobs out there that they're working two of them say they have to get a vaccine too or else they lose their jobs and these folks say "enough".

And they turn to someone like a Joe Rogan who says it's actually pretty simple and that all they need to do to break the back of all this bullshit is to take a stand on masks, vaccines, or whatever else. It's horseshit but Rogan's getting paid by Spotify so he'll say whatever pumps his numbers up.

They want to believe it because they've been sold prosperity and got a shit sandwich, so why would you listen to the same people who you feel got you in this mess?

The even less savoury than Joe Rogan will blame China or immigrants or Jews or whoever else they need to try to get you to hate and hate and hate, because that's what they deal in, and that's why neo-Nazi groups are all over the antivax movement.

Maybe the place to start is slowly unf**king the economy and giving people some sense of security. Take away the sense of desperation. Try to give back some of the sense of community that has been lost.

But ultimately, we're going to have to reach out.
Anti vaxxers are Neo Nazi's??? Pretty sure the Balmain basket weavers, Hippies and Green's would not like being called that.


Well-Known Member
I said the anti-vax movement is being leapt upon by the rear right. This goes back to the anti-lockdown movement too: https://amp.theguardian.com/austral...nfiltrating-australian-anti-lockdown-protests

The basketweavers are there too, and the "wellness" scene increasingly intersects with the far right:

That doesn't mean every wellness freak or antivaxxer is a Nazi. But the anti-vaxxers certainly have Nazis as fellow travellers.


Well-Known Member
I said the anti-vax movement is being leapt upon by the rear right. This goes back to the anti-lockdown movement too: https://amp.theguardian.com/austral...nfiltrating-australian-anti-lockdown-protests

The basketweavers are there too, and the "wellness" scene increasingly intersects with the far right:

That doesn't mean every wellness freak or antivaxxer is a Nazi. But the anti-vaxxers certainly have Nazis as fellow travellers.
Interesting article. But I'm sure the majority of Right wing Nazi's (as you term them) would be double vaxxed, Strange bed fellows eh?
Most anti vaxxers I know are immigrants and distrustful of Governments.
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Well-Known Member
Wonders aloud and its something i have often said... but if we had lots and lots of alternative energy ... we would only need small amounts of oil... and if this was the case those that use oil to fund bad ideas.... Russia its army.... the middle east terrorist they would not have the funds to do it....


Well-Known Member
From memory the last government to have faith in the Australian manufacturing sector was the Whitlam government and even they did massive tariff cuts... but all governments since have been about specialisation, moving to service industries, tourism etc....

governments from say the late 30's thu to the mid late 70's looked more to Australia being self sufficient i.e make our own cars find our own oil etc....

I do wonder is it time for a back to the future moment in that we need to ensure we can produce things if we can't get them and move to EV's with massive speed so we don't need oil to run our transport system...


Well-Known Member
From memory the last government to have faith in the Australian manufacturing sector was the Whitlam government and even they did massive tariff cuts... but all governments since have been about specialisation, moving to service industries, tourism etc....

governments from say the late 30's thu to the mid late 70's looked more to Australia being self sufficient i.e make our own cars find our own oil etc....

I do wonder is it time for a back to the future moment in that we need to ensure we can produce things if we can't get them and move to EV's with massive speed so we don't need oil to run our transport system...

Tariff cuts by Whitlam was the right move when he made them. Unfortunately the OPEC oil shock hit soon after and he should have paused the cuts as the economy couldn't cope with both changes. One of his 4 biggest mistakes along with trusting Rex Connor and Joh and appointing Kerr.

Got to agree with the bolded part though - not only EV's but energy security as a whole.


Well-Known Member
Tariff cuts by Whitlam was the right move when he made them. Unfortunately the OPEC oil shock hit soon after and he should have paused the cuts as the economy couldn't cope with both changes. One of his 4 biggest mistakes along with trusting Rex Connor and Joh and appointing Kerr.

Got to agree with the bolded part though - not only EV's but energy security as a whole.
Read a line today in a business article.... it read...

Maybe, its time to move from just in time, to just in case.... it was talking about supply lines an parts...


Well-Known Member
Read a line today in a business article.... it read...

Maybe, its time to move from just in time, to just in case.... it was talking about supply lines an parts...
Read the same article and couldn't agree more.The just in time process has to be junked as wth the present world problems we are in danger of being isolated and our supply lines becoming tenuous.

Man Overboard

Well-Known Member
This is probably on the wrong thread, but given Pootin putting his nuclear force on high alert maybe its not.
We have just had a Pride round to support the LGBTQI community, but given our club colours are those of the Ukraine, maybe we show some form of solidarity for that community??? Maybe play the Ukraine national anthem as we enter the field next game or something similar?

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
This is probably on the wrong thread, but given Pootin putting his nuclear force on high alert maybe its not.
We have just had a Pride round to support the LGBTQI community, but given our club colours are those of the Ukraine, maybe we show some form of solidarity for that community??? Maybe play the Ukraine national anthem as we enter the field next game or something similar?
Suspect that wouldn't be allowed.
Also, if CCM won't even comment on what was done to us by Evans I can't imagine them being brave enough to make a stand here ?

Man Overboard

Well-Known Member
True, but I have just had another thought [OMG here he goes again lol]. SloMo has announced priority for Ukrainian refugees, and I was wondering if any Shaktar Donetsk or Dynamo Kyiv players may be available for us. It may sound opportunistic and cynical but its only a matter of time before clubs around the world start hoovering up this talent. Our colours, a symbolic show of solidarity, and an early offer may bear fruit

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