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Premier League Going Global.


Well-Known Member
Worst.  Idea.  Ever.

Mohammed Bin What'shisname, head of the AFC, has already come out and said that he strongly opposes the move and will do whatever he can to stop it........ so I think we could say with confidence that this won't be going ahead, now that that's the Premier League's greatest market (China/SE Asia) ruled out.

They could persist with North America if they wanted to, there's no real financial benefit to it being played in Africa, and both the rest of Europe and South America love their own domestic comps too much to bother with the EPL.    Hopefully this just fades away into history as "another silly idea that they didn't carry on with".


Well-Known Member
so glad this isnt going ahead, at first i was excited at the prospect but then after a closer think i realised it would kill the a-league and give ammo to the "sokka" knockers... we dont need the EPL here, besides when the Socceroos come there are EPL players there and depending on the opposition top euro based talent there too


Well-Known Member
northernspirit said:
so glad this isnt going ahead, at first i was excited at the prospect but then after a closer think i realised it would kill the a-league and give ammo to the "sokka" knockers... we dont need the EPL here, besides when the Socceroos come there are EPL players there and depending on the opposition top euro based talent there too
yep, same here.
and the epl bandwagon will become bigger than it already is now.
Maybe a friendly would be alright... off season to a-league and not affect us as much.
Finally FFA have used there brains...

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